Thursday, November 5, 2009

Just another day without you

Hey :)

School was quite boring. Syaharan was a bore. I was about to die in there. But i played with Weanner's hair :D You can actually tie her hair. Haha! Break was boring too.

It was raining today. So there wasn't any games. Dang. I wasted another pair of contact lenses! :(
there was suppose to be netball and handball and futsal today! But nooooo....cause it rained and the floor wasn't dry. So we ended up lepak-ing in the class. Herrvena was cam-whoring since yesterday.

Was feeling very sleepy so i lie on Weanner. Then on the floor. Then Mich came and slept on my butt, Weanner lie on Mich. Then Pamela came, and scolded us. So we scram. And she started copying name, those who are talking. She only copy down those people she knows. whatsherproblem?! ah well.. :)

Went to Ryan's house. After helping my mom peel onions and garlic and ginger. Prank call Zhuo Wei. Sorry! x) So now i smell like onions and garlic and ginger.

Matthew came back from Japan!!! :) Yay!!! He just called me. Get to see him tomorrow. After a week of not seeing him. He must be damn happy cause he gets to see HER. Right matt matt matt?! Haha! And oh, matt, you're gonna get it tomorrow. Watch out.

Got another email from HIM. *happy dance*

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